54 students from Jonathan Law and Joseph Foran High Schools started the day at Parsons to participate in their culminating event for Model UN. Now in its 2nd year, the program tasks students to represent their assigned country and form opinions and alliances on current world topics. This year, students 'dug deep' into one of 3 topics: Bosnian Genocide peacekeeping efforts, African Union relations with Asia, or the UNESCO literacy rates. Fascinating!
4 months ago, Milford Public Schools
opening instructions
opening arguments
stating a position
initial voting
gathering information
committee vote
creating a strategy
gathering information
To the Milford Public Schools Community, Please be advised that the Milford Public Schools will have an EARLY DISMISSAL today, December 18, 2023. This determination is based on the fact that our tides have not receded as expected, and with an additional high tide coming this afternoon, flooding remains as a serious issue for us, especially for student walkers. There will be no Afternoon Preschool classes today. All PM activities for Milford Public Schools, including Adult Education and all after-school programs (Ready to Learn, YMCA, or Boys & Girls Club) are canceled today. No transportation will be provided for ECA and Bridgeport Aqua students today. Early dismissal for your school is 2 hours prior to the regular end time: Elementary 1:25 p.m. Middle: 12:45 p.m. High School: 11:58 a.m. Thank you, and please be safe. -Milford Public Schools
5 months ago, Milford Public Schools
early dismissal block
Time to grab that coffee and take a look at all the news you need from MPS! Check out today's Upcoming News & Events: https://www.milforded.org/article/1381138
5 months ago, Milford Public Schools
une icon 12-15
This joyous group of 'English as a 2nd Language' adult students in our Adult Education program visited with some preschool students yesterday, to share what they've learned so far, in the form of several holiday songs. The kids (AND the adults) LOVED it!
5 months ago, Milford Public Schools
esl student group 1
student introducing self
more introductions
jingle bells - hey!
As the pieces fell into place, we recognized the Developmental Relationships Framework, a guiding document across the entire district. Once the puzzle was complete, all teams convened in groups to debrief and discuss how the DRF is connected to our work done at Parsons.
5 months ago, Milford Public Schools
pieces of the puzzle together
puzzle whole
drf - debrief
debrief 2
Here are some more! The important part of this challenge was for the blindfolded person to LISTEN carefully to instructions -- and for the speaker to provide CLEAR DIRECTIONS. Really great lessons.
5 months ago, Milford Public Schools
sherri amy
amy sherri
group in lobby
The Central Office staffers participated in a TERRIFIC Team Building exercise this morning at Parsons. 2-person teams, (one blindfolded, the other giving verbal directions) had to navigate to the lobby, find their piece, and place it with the others. But beware the bubble wrap!
5 months ago, Milford Public Schools
picking teams
getting ready
beware the bubble wrap
find your piece
Always in our hearts. Remembering Sandy Hook - today and every day.
5 months ago, Milford Public Schools
sandy hook
Here we are, folks! It's Friday and that means it's time to grab yourself a cup of coffee and take a few minutes to read all the great info for MPS next week. Enjoy! https://www.milforded.org/article/1346129
6 months ago, Milford Public Schools
une icon
NCAA Recruitment Info Night November 29, 2023 6:00 - 7:00 p.m. @ Parsons Government Center Auditorium Have you been wondering how student-athletes can pursue a college experience in NCAA athletics? Great news! You're not alone and we've put together an event just for you! Learn about the college recruitment process, including information about: - Divisions I, II, & III - Admissions - Compliance - Scholarships - and more This event is FREE and OPEN TO ALL MILFORD FAMILIES. Our presenters include: Tom Drew (Athletic Dir./Jonathan Law), Kevin Siedlecki (Women's Lacrosse Coach/SCSU), Dan Wystepek (Dir. of Transfer & Athletic Recruitment, Bryant Univ.), and Kaitlyn Feyre (Asst. Dir. Undergraduate Admissions/Athletics, Western New England University). We hope to see you there!
6 months ago, Milford Public Schools
ncaa icon
Football, you bet! Here are the deets on the annual Thanksgiving Day Game 2023. Hope to see you there. https://www.milforded.org/article/1343550
6 months ago, Milford Public Schools
thanks game deets
Here's a few more from yesterday's MPS Community Resource Fair! Great work and thank you - all - for your participation!
6 months ago, Milford Public Schools
milford health dept table
mpc table
mpl table
united way table
The MPS Community Resource Fair at Parsons was tremendous yesterday -- with more than a dozen organizations sharing information about their available services. We are so fortunate to live in a place that cares so much about its citizens.
6 months ago, Milford Public Schools
beth el table
boys and girls club table
coastal counseling
food 2 kids table
Hello, Friday! We are pleased to share the latest, greatest issue of Upcoming News & Events. Check it out -- it's jam packed with lots of good information for the weeks ahead. https://www.milforded.org/article/1335102
6 months ago, Milford Public Schools
une icon 11-10
Here's another set of pictures from CPM. What a wonderful morning. Thank you, Veterans!
6 months ago, Milford Public Schools
students singing
kids waving flags
veterans group pic
Students and staff at Calf Pen Meadow School gave a rousing tribute to veterans this morning at their in-school assembly. Songs, readings, and gratitude were all a part of this wonderful celebration.
6 months ago, Milford Public Schools
alesha hubball
honor guard
student readers
Veterans Day in Milford Public Schools - we visited Harborside Middle School this morning as dozens of vets received the admiration and thanks from students and staff at the school. Extra nice was a visit from Josh Cummings, a Harborside grad, who now serves. Thank you, all!
6 months ago, Milford Public Schools
kids clapping for vets
group of vets b4 program
josh and grace cummings
hsms group shot
Milford Public Schools is honored to continue our tradition of planned Veterans Day activities in our schools. Here's a look at Meadowside School yesterday (11/9) where the school celebrated their vets with songs and applause.
6 months ago, Milford Public Schools
student emcees
walk of honor - vets
student branches of service
thank you vets - group
The City of Milford, on behalf of Milford Public Schools, has issued an RFQ/RFP for Testing, Adjusting, Balancing (TAB) services and HVAC systems assessments to satisfy CT Indoor Air Quality testing requirements at all schools. Details: https://5il.co/28esn
6 months ago, Milford Public Schools
RFQ-RFP 1806
Lots of great news this week. Check out the latest edition of Upcoming News & Events for 11-3! https://www.milforded.org/article/1324333
6 months ago, Milford Public Schools
une 11-3